About Dr. Marko Lens
MD MSc DPhil (Oxon)
Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

No-nonsense approach to skincare
As a global authority on skin ageing and skin cancer, London-based Dr. Marko Lens is renowned for his no-nonsense approach to great skin and the flawless complexions he creates. He is a sought-after plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and founder of acclaimed skincare brand, Zelens.
Life-long passion for botanicals
Dr. Lens’ fascination with skin began at young age and under the instruction of his grandmother who would create her own bespoke skincare remedies with oils and plant extracts. Interest piqued, a young Dr. Lens would frequently join his grandmother as she collected her herbs and schooled him on their names and various properties. “I was absolutely fascinated with the world of plants,” he says. His interest in botanicals deepened when he was given a two-volume encyclopaedia of herbs which he committed to memory. This treasured possession inspired a childhood of alchemical experiment and sparked lifelong passion for nature’s botanicals. To explore the many botanical ingredients in Zelens formulas and their skincare benefits, visit the Zelens Garden.
The science of skin ageing
Dr. Lens holds a Master of Science degree from Harvard University and a PhD degree from Oxford University in the field of skin cancer. While his passion for skincare and product formulation was ignited as a child, it was while studying for his PhD in Oxford that Dr. Lens cemented his professional interest. It was here that he came to understand how skin cancer and skin ageing share a common pathway. “You don’t see skin cancer in children,” he explains. “Why? Because the common factor in both skin cancer and skin ageing is the skin damage caused by the UV light.” While researching the role of topical antioxidants in skin cancer, Dr. Lens found himself wondering whether topically applied antioxidants could slow down premature skin ageing. This realisation served to become the first step in a career of research, product formulation and in-clinic treatments that straddle the distance between pharmaceutical and cosmetic.

Dr Marko Lens Clinic - Wimpole Street, London W1
People travel from far-and-wide for an appointment with Dr. Lens at his clinic on Wimpole Street in London. His unique expertise and his invasive and non-invasive treatments such as eyelid surgery and face-lifts, and Botox, laser, lip augmentation and chemical peels, are worth travelling for. Dr. Lens doesn’t buy into trends and what he is known for now is the same as it has always been; flawless, bright and youthful-looking skin.
Alongside his cosmetic services, Dr. Lens also performs treatments including mole removal, skin cancer reconstruction and treatment for melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer, speaking to his expertise as an authority in the field of skin cancer. Dr. Lens keeps the identities of his many celebrity clients as closely guarded secrets, instinctively opting for professional integrity over self-interest, which is just one of the reasons why his loyal patients have returned to him time-and-time again over the course of his more than 30-years in the field of skin cancer and skin ageing.
To book an appointment with Dr. Lens or to learn more about his private practice please contact doctor@markolens.com
Procedures Available:
Skin Lesions
- Mole removal
- Benign skin lesions
- Melanoma
- Non-melanoma skin cancers
- Skin cancer reconstruction
- Scar revisions
Facial Cosmetic Surgery
- Eyelid surgery
- Face-lift
- Mid Face-lift
Non-invasive Cosmetic Rejuvenation
- Soft Tissue Augmentation
- Botox Treatments
- Lip Augmentation
- Chemical Peeling
- Laser Resurfacing
- Titan
- Dr Marko Lens